Monday, November 4, 2019

Community Soup

Today, Constable Mark visited our classroom to talk about how we can make our classroom and school community a great place. Using the story, Stone Soup by John J. Muth, Constable Mark discussed the essential ingredients needed to make a great community.  Students were asked to think about how the characters in the book brought change to their community and what that might look like in their own community.

Here are some of their ideas of essential ingredients in a great community:

" Kindness, caring and sharing." - Paige
" Trust." - Vianna
" Friendships." - Sebastian

After the story, students were asked to create their own bowl of stone soup. The rim of the pot included "I will" statements, such as

" I will be kind and helpful." - Patience
" I will be kind and care for others."- Lawrence
" I will be supportive." - Kate
" I will be kind to others." - Louis

Inside the pot, students were asked to draw their version of an ideal classroom. Below are a few examples.

Thank you to Constable Mark for coming in this morning and working with us! We look forward to working together again soon!